What to Put In A Resume When You Don't Have Any Professional Experience

Young graduates are often confronted with a lack of experience to start their careers. However, many companies are looking for qualified personnel who also have a few years field experience. It is difficult then to find an opportunity to train. Here are some tips to help you write a resume without professional experience.

Making a good impression

If you do not have work experience that meets the employer’s requirements, you will need to provide elements that will be satisfactory to the employer to fill this gap. Think about all the skills you have acquired during your academic career that you can highlight. Thanks to a visible box, you will be able to list these skills and strengths for the targeted position, while developing them further in the various paragraphs of your resume.

Drawing on all experiences

Even if you do not have – yet – professional experience, you probably have experience as a volunteer, trainee or in other fields following summer jobs, for example. Even if these positions are very different, you will find similarities between the qualities and skills acquired and those required for the position. Feel free to put them forward to promote yourself and show that you know how to benefit from each life experience.

Have self-confidence

Don’t lose confidence because you don’t have any work experience; this doesn’t mean you have no value. You may have to fight a little harder than others to get a place, but you necessarily have skills and qualities that are useful for a company. Present an impeccable CV with a clear and spell-checked font, proofread it and have it read.  You must look ultra-professional while conveying enthusiasm and know-how. Sometimes, the determination and excitement of new perspectives are more valuable qualities than work experience. Companies are not only looking for employees, but also for personalities who correspond to the company’s policy.

Organize your CV

  • First of all, note your academic background with everything it can include: mentions, specialization or any other information relevant to the position.
  • Then note your experience, whether paid or volunteer, and your internships. It is also an opportunity to note any positions you may have held during your schooling, such as being a class representative or student representative.
  • Highlight the box containing all your key skills that correspond to the position you are applying for, including language and IT skills.
  • Don’t forget to note your interests, which could also reveal a little of your personality, especially if they are notable (sports competition for example, stressing that you appreciate challenges and surpass yourself).

The skills for a job do not necessarily lie in the professional experience, but in your motivation and professionalism. Don’t be intimidated by competitors more experienced than you are and showcase yourself to show that you can be the ideal candidate.

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