Word Resume Novoresume Templates
Choose from more than 8 Resume Templates to Download in Word Format, without Subscription, without Builder.
Choose one of our Resume Templates, fill it out with Microsoft Word without Subscription (Free Subscription), without Builder (free Builder) and get the job of your dreams! upload your Professional Resume in less than 5 minutes.
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Word Resume Novoresume Simple Template
$29.99$19.99 Download Now -
Word Resume Novoresume Professional Template
$29.99$19.99 Download Now -
Word Resume Novoresume Modern Template
$29.99$19.99 Download Now -
Word Resume Novoresume Functional Template
$29.99$19.99 Download Now -
Word Resume Novoresume Creative Template
$29.99$19.99 Download Now -
Word Resume Novoresume College Template
$29.99$19.99 Download Now -
Word Resume Novoresume Executive Template
$29.99$19.99 Download Now -
Word Resume Novoresume Basic Template
$29.99$19.99 Download Now
Resume Resources
What is a Resume?
The Resume is shorter, usually only one page that summarizes your skills, experience and education. It is designed to highlight your main qualities and strengths that are directly related to the position you are applying for.
When you apply for a job, you will (in most cases) be asked for a Resume along with a cover letter.
How to Write a Resume for Your First Job?
Between the Resume and the first job, it’s a bit like between the egg and the chicken. How can you have one if the other doesn’t exist?
Yet lack of professional experience does not mean lack of skills. You just have to know how to highlight them.
Perfect, we have a clear idea of how to get there.
At the end of this guide, you will be able to:
- Create a Resume better than 90% of entry-level applicants.
- Transform your life experiences into skills useful to an employer.
- Write a perfectly structured Resume, from A to Z.
- Focus on what’s important, even without a first job or diploma.
Want to save time and create your Resume in 5 minutes?Try to Download the Word Resume Templates from our 300 Tesume templates
What to Put on a Resume?
Ideal structure of a first CV (Resume)
- Header: your personal details
- Title: position sought
- By the way: career goals (write last)
- Training: studies and diplomas
- Experience: internships, work-study, volunteering
- Skills
- Languages
- Interests and hobbies
How to Format a Resume?
Layout for a Resume without experience
- One page only.
- Ante-chronological format (most recent events first).
- Legible and professional font (Arial, Times New Roman, Cambria).
- Sufficient font size (text and headings).
- One or two colors maximum.
- Clear margins and headings (at least one line between two sections).
- Few or no logos and icons.
What is the Best Resume Template?
There is no such thing as a “best Resume Template”: each recruiter / employer has their own preferences. Our general recommendation is to do your research on the company and its values.
For example, if you are applying for a position in a bank, you would want a more professional resume template. On the other hand, if you want a job at a startup where they value innovation more, you have to stick with a creative Resume Template.
Finally, if you’re still not sure which type of template is best for the job you’re applying for, you can just use a simple Resume Template for added security.