How to Introduce Yourself and Submit Your Resume Recruitment Interview

We will never repeat it enough: to find out if you have a hard-hitting CV, just count the number of recruiting interviews that you have been able to pick up. Yes, the only inducer that lets you know if your CV is good is the rate of interviews triggered.

So here you are, with your CV concrete you have passed the filter of the sorting of CV, Boolean operators, robots, the first telephone interview. You are coming for your recruiting interview, ready to fight! Nevertheless, how to introduce yourself and submit your resume recruitment interview?

We will probably ask you if you found the premises easily, ask you 2 or 3 questions of convenience while driving to the Manager’s office. There you settle down and look forward to the first question of the recruiter.

She falls: “Well, I suggest you talk to me about yourself and introduce yourself if you want to?”

With its variants: “I propose to unwind your CV in a few minutes…” “,” I invite you to begin to give me a presentation of your CV and your course… ».

99% * of candidates start their recruitment interview by re-reading the CV

If you do as 99% of the candidates, you are starting your recruitment interview with a proofreading of your CV. Moreover, you are going to start well obviously by… Your Bac… Bad News, there is much better to do.

Your resume the recruiter read it, since he chose to receive you. He probably has it under his eyes. For the sake of anticipation, (he may have forgotten it), you can offer him one that you will have printed for him, an updated version why not by the way. If the recruiter offers to present your CV, it is primarily because he thinks of you, and that this presentation will allow you to make yourself comfortable. A way to start maintenance smoothly, without destabilizing yourself, with a “standard” question. However, do not miss this step; do not be boring by throwing yourself in a long boring and exhaustive diatribe!

Pitch your CV in 3 to 5 minutes maximum.

No need to reread experience after experience your CV, starting from the oldest. You have to pitch your CV in 3 minutes! First of all, introduce yourself from a personal point of view. Who you are, where you come from, give some personality elements, without going into detail. Take a stand against the idea that one speaks first of his skills then of his motivations and finally of his personality. Say why you are here, what motivates you in the position to be filled, what is the meaning of your candidacy. In 1 minutes no more without delayering.

To talk about your résumé, be synthetic. Only highlight the elements of your CV directly related to the position to be filled, with the missions, in relation to the corporate culture, emphasizing your latest professional experiences, not the oldest! By focusing immediately on these points, you will pass the following message: The skills you are looking for I have them. The problems you have, I know how to solve them. “For each skill you evoke, quantify your actions, be factual, but again without too much detail. You will “tender Poles”, “put water to the mouth” to your interlocutor who will return on your remarks in the thread of the interview and will invite you to detail them.

Put forward the relevant elements of your course, those linked to the expectations of the recruiter.

Finally to finish the presentation of your CV, and there as quickly, you will unfold the rest of your course by mentioning only the title of your experiences without detailing them. Put forward for each one or two skills that you have particularly developed (also chosen according to the position to be filled), or significant results or even elements of satisfaction, challenges that have especially boosted.

To talk about his CV in the introduction of an interview is therefore to have prepared a pitch of 3 to 5 minutes maximum, which evokes first elements, strengths, without saying too much, leaving room for further developments. Do not completely review your CV, line by line, but extract what will directly interest the interlocutor in the position to be filled.

This exercise requires that you repeat your pitch at home. It will be difficult to improvise at the time of the interview. Write it, repeat it, be very comfortable with your choices, and especially have your pitch stick to your recruiter’s presumed expectations.

Remember, what matters is not you (the service) but the customer need (your recruiter)!

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