Get a Job With a Junior Resume Profile

To have a chance of obtaining an interview, young job applicants must pay attention to their Resume. Here is what recruiters advise in order to create a resume that stands out from the standard models.

How to make a good resume?

Young graduates have almost no experience. As a result, recruiters focus on their potential. To have the chance to show your qualities, it is important to write a good Resume and a good cover letter. But as this cannot be obvious when you have just graduated.

Your Resume is your passport to get a job, your first business card so you have to take care of it, take the time before sending it. Above all, it is necessary to check, recheck not only the spelling and grammar mistakes but also the shape and layout, which are essential for your image. Creating a simpler but more efficient Resume is more than just creating a CV full of empty experiences.

In General, a curriculum vitae or Resume is arranged in four to five parts:

  • The civil status at the top
  • Training courses
  • Language and computer skills
  • Professional experiences
  • Leisure or hobbies at the bottom of the page

To succeed with your Resume , there are still some tips to remember :

On the background

On the content of your Resume model, be brief but realistic:

  • Don’t lie and don’t oversell your qualities. While the job market is tough and the race for a job is fierce, you may disappoint the recruiter when he discovers your lies.
  • Focus on your language skills: if you master a few languages, don’t hesitate to highlight them. In an era of globalization, you have to be able to align yourself with other candidates in the market.
  • Highlight your diplomas: and above all do not forget to specify the nature of your diplomas and their validation. This will remove any doubts at the recruiter level.
  • Valuing your personal qualities: but that doesn’t mean you’re going to brag. Be honest without being too banal.
  • Talk about your professional experiences: whether it is internships, summer jobs or volunteering, highlight all your experiences. It is a plus to demonstrate your commitment, dynamism and the skills you have acquired during these experiences.
  • Talk about your hobbies, your hobbies, your associative life. This allows the recruiter to get an idea of your personality.

On the form

As far as the form is concerned, you should pay attention to:

  • The reference of the position to be mentioned
  • The photo: not to be used because it is subjective and potentially discriminating
  • the personal mail: more professional and simple: the forms of mail with your blog nicknames or the name of your cat do not pass.
  • Your availability: valid for mobile people who move quite often. Specify your availability for an interview.
  • CV formatting: air the information, do not overload. A single page format is sufficient for junior profiles. Some elements can be explained during the interview if necessary.

To conclude, it is important to keep it simple in your CV. Be as sincere as possible and show your personality. If you have to sell yourself, you might as well do it during the interview. Also, if you are called for an interview, do not be late without notifying your interviewer, whether justified or not; avoid being casual or lacking in empathy and motivation. Finally, respect your interlocutor and the time he or she gives you. Take care of your physical appearance and turn off your phone.

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